Precious texts full of timeless wisdom.
The Culdian Trust is a non-profit organisation based in New Zealand and the U.S. It currently publishes two significant texts that were passed down through the ages and arrived in its care: The Kolbrin, and The Kailedy.
The Kailedy is a gospel of the life of Jesus Christ, written shortly after his death. In time, this manuscript, along with others, came to compile “The Kolbrin,” eventually arriving on the shores of Britain, where Joseph of Abramatha [Arimathea] founded the “Culdee Church” – the original Church of Christ in Britain.*
It is our understanding that the Culdee Church integrated the teachings of Christ with the ancient wisdom of the Druids. This included knowledge that was shared between a number of different indigenous peoples of the time living in what is now Europe, the Middle East, and Great Britain, including (but certainly not limited to) ancient Egypt, Persia, Greece, and Rome.
The name “Kolbrin” was originally applied to a collection of manuscripts salvaged from the Glastonbury Abbey at the time of its burning. For centuries it was believed that these ‘heretical’ works were destroyed, but the fire proved to be a good opportunity for their preservation.
The Kolbrin made up the core teachings of the old Culdees, who were the guardians of what were known as “The Treasures of Britain.” While these treasures were never numerous, they were precious, and priceless, as they cast a completely different light on Christianity and its relationship to earlier religions. The Kolbrin was not intended to be an historical record (although it does ring true with many historical events, societies, and leaders), but rather a consistent body of spiritual teachings for future generations. For some current commentary on the texts, see Yvonne Whiteman. The Culdian Trust was instructed to separate the entire original volume into two books, and thus, the Kailedy, is published as a separate text.
These books were originally published by the Culdian Trust in the 1990s. New (updated) versions of both books will be available for purchase in the United Kingdom and online, soon.